Project RockSTARR is a project created by the stakeholders of The STARR Coalition with the intent to give sponsors the opportunity to support local advocacy, empower volunteers to give back to their community, build relationship between local advocacy and research sites, and create goodwill among all participants.
CNS clinical research faces unique challenges including misconceptions associated with mental health disorders as well as patient’s general skepticism of clinical research. We can talk about issues on a national level but the hearts and minds will only be changed at the community level, in the local cities and neighborhoods where research is taking place. The goal is to close the gap between research and the communities they serve.
The idea is simple. When a potential volunteer screens for a study, they are immediately provided informational handouts about all advocacy organizations within their community. At that moment, the volunteer is given the opportunity to choose to donate (up to $200 provided by the Sponsor) to one of the local advocacy organizations of their choice. This is a great way to empower subjects to give back to their community and for the Sponsor to honor the potential volunteer for their service.
Once every quarter, six months (depending on the Sponsor), The STARR Coalition will issue a check to the local advocacy groups and send them to the clinical research sites. The sites will then present the donations to the local advocacy group on behalf of the subjects who volunteered for the trial. This is a great opportunity to connect to advocacy and allow volunteers to have access to resources outside the clinical trial.
This project will benefit participants in the following ways:
- Volunteers learn information about advocacy groups within their area.
- Volunteers have access to resources outside the clinical research trial.
- Volunteers feel a sense of giving back to their community.
- Advocacy becomes more educated on clinical research trials in their area.
- Advocacy benefits from the additional funding to help support local/state programming.
- Research sites understand the mission of advocacy and their role in the community.
- Advocacy involved in evolving healthcare landscape.
- Builds bridges between volunteers, advocacy and clinical research.
- Clinical trial sponsors have the opportunity to build upon their relationships with research volunteers.
- Greater awareness ensured research as an option for all.
Project RockSTARR has written support from leading national advocacy groups within behavioral health. If needed, national advocate leaders involved in this project will assist sites in building relationships with local advocates. This project will change the conversation between research and the communities they serve.
The donation is separate from their stipends. The choices of advocacy groups will be visible from a pre-selected and approved geo-targeted drop-down list. The subject does have the choice to decline participation if they so choose, although we believe this will be an uncommon occurrence.
Project RockSTARR will be initiated by Sponsors on participating studies. You will be informed of studies partnering with Project RockSTARR and will receive additional training and support as needed.
We hope Project RockSTARR becomes a standard within the industry. We envision Sponsors participating across all indications and disease states. From the ground up, we will change the way people engage CNS research. It will be perceived like all other indications and we will ensure the millions of individuals living with CNS disorders have a fulfilling life within the communities they live.
Project RockSTARR is a program created by members of The STARR Coalition, a nonprofit organization working with thought-leaders throughout the research industry and advocacy to find ways to reduce stigma associate with similar disorders and make connections to local advocacy group organizations. Project RockSTARR is wholly owned by The STARR Coalition.
Project RockSTARR 2021 The STARR Coalition – All Rights Reserved.