ActivMed Practices & Research: Local Advocacy Organizations

ActivMed Practices & Research is a woman-owned, multi-specialty independent clinical research site with 4 locations in northern Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire. We conduct studies in the areas of Neurology, Family Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Pain, Nutraceuticals, Vaccines, Medical Devices, and more. We are also Virtual Trial Capable.
Welcome to Project RockSTARR!
Thank you for being a hero! Your participation in research gives hope to countless individuals living with [condition].
We want to celebrate you by donating to a local mental health advocacy organization in your area. Below, you will find information on local advocacy organizations where you and your loved ones can find support and education.
Please use the form on the right to select the local advocacy organization that you would like a donation sent on your behalf. Thank you for being a part of this important research! Your participation in Project RockSTARR will not affect your compensation in any way.