Molly Little has been a passionate mental health advocate for her entire life. In her role as Community Outreach Director at Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research, Molly knows exactly how to meet people where they are in their journey. Whether she is bringing a pizza and making friends in her community, or creating safe spaces for people to open about their experiences, Molly is a pillar of hope and kindness. Molly also has a passion for advocating for her own community- the LGBTQ+ community. When Molly started at Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research, we immediately began to bond over how to help our sites and sponsors to be more inclusive to her community and ensure that mental healthcare is accessible ALL. We thought Pride month would be perfect to share Molly’s extensive experience and unique insights into the LGBTQ+ community.
Molly Little, Community Outreach Director, Neuro-Behavioral Clinical Research
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