Project RockSTARR

Research Volunteers are RockSTARR’s

Participating in a clinical trial gives hope to countless individuals throughout the world. Project RockSTARR celebrates everyone involved in improving the lives of those living with brain disorders and beyond.

The idea is simple. Participating Sponsors agree to dedicate between $25-$200 for each volunteer subject enrolling into a trial to donate the dedicated amount to a local advocacy group of their choice. For instance, when a volunteer is completing the informed consent, they are given information about all advocacy groups within their area. Once they determine the advocacy group they wish to donate, they simply check off the group. A certificate will be presented to the volunteer thanking them for their contribution. At a predetermined time designated by the sponsor, a check will be cut for each local advocacy group and sent to the clinical research site. The check will then be presented to local advocacy group on behalf of the individuals who participated in the trial.

This project benefits everyone involved:

  • Volunteers learn information about advocacy groups within their area.
  • Volunteers have access to assistance outside the clinical research trial.
  • Volunteers feel a sense of giving back to their community.
  • Advocacy becomes more educated on clinical research trials in their area.
  • Advocacy benefits from the additional funding to help support local/state programming.
  • Research sites understand the mission of advocacy and their role in the community.
  • Advocacy involved in evolving healthcare landscape.
  • Builds bridges between volunteers, advocacy and clinical research.

If you would like more information on Project RockSTARR or would like to become part of this program, send me an email at

Project RockSTARR is a program created by members of The STARR Coalition, a nonprofit organization working with thought-leaders throughout the research industry and advocacy to find ways to reduce stigma associate with similar disorders and make connections to local advocacy group organizations. Project RockSTARR is wholly owned by The STARR Coalition.