April is National Volunteer Month and there is nothing we LOVE more than our clinical trial volunteers! This is the month to make sure that they know it!
We all know that without volunteers, clinical studies cannot proceed. But it may interest you to know that appreciating your volunteers also helps with study retention.
Supporting a study participant’s role as a partner in the research helps connect a patient’s sense of identity to their participation in the study. It requires a very simple shift from treating a participant as a study subject to focusing on their role as a partner and scientific contributor to the clinical trial.
When a participant makes a study part of their personal identity, they are proud to share that “I’m an medical hero” or “I’m helping to fight mental illness.” Once an individual has embraced this identity, staying in the study is a point of pride and leaving the study is far less likely. Plus, your participant is far more likely to share the trial info with others!
Incorporating deeper patient-engagement and gratitude has been shown to increase participant satisfaction and feelings of involvement, which are also associated with better compliance.
A great way to engage your research volunteers is through the STARR Research Ambassador Program. 
Research Ambassadors are individuals living with a mental illness who have participated in clinical research and are willing to talk about their personal journey, share their clinical research experience, talk about how their participation in a research trial has impacted their lives… and encourage others to join in help shaping the future of cutting-edge treatments.
There are lots of ways to participate as a Research Ambassador. It’s a fantastic opportunity for volunteers to get involved and contribute to various projects, as well as assist others in their journey! Volunteers’ support for others also has a positive impact on their own growth and well-being!
Find more info on the STARR Research Ambassador Program HERE.